Time Management in AMCAT exam | How to manage time during AMCAT

Time Management has always been the way to excel in any test or examination. In AMCAT test you have to keep a record of the time you spent on every question. Try just not to sit on single question, proceed onward to other questions. Go through each and every questions. Catch up on each one of those with methods or tools that you have prepared earlier.

In AMCAT exam, many students failed to attempt minimum number of questions, which results in a -1 score. So, don't forget to attempt EVERY question. In this post you will know about time management or how to manage time during AMCAT exam so that you can prepare accordingly and score well in AMCAT exam. 

Time Management in AMCAT exam
Time Management in AMCAT exam

Time Duration and Number of Questions for each section in AMCAT test:

Quantitative Ability

Number of Question: 25
Time Duration: 35

So according to the given time duration for each question in AMCAT almost around 1.2 minutes are needed maximum for attempting every question. Remember, once you have submitted answers in AMCAT exam you cannot get back to previous question because it is adaptive test, that is, your very next question's nature depends on your answer to the previous question.

Never sit on one question. Time is running so, you have to run too.

For short and easy questions : 45 seconds each.

For long and difficult questions: (3 -4 questions) : 1 minute 30 seconds each

Time duration for each question may be differ from your preparation.

Logical Ability:

Number of Question: 24
Time Duration: 35

For short and easy questions : 45 seconds each.

For long and difficult questions like arguments type questions: (3 -4 questions) : 1 minute 30 seconds each

Verbal Ability:

Number of Question: 25
Time Duration: 25

For short and easy questions like synonyms, antonyms, jumble words, fill in the blanks : 45 seconds each.

For Passage:
Passage Reading : 1 min 20 seconds
Answering questions in passage: 2 minutes

Aspiring Minds Personality Inventory (AMPI):

Number of Question: 80
Time Duration: 20

This exam checks your personality. Be honest, read the question and just answer the question.

For each question: 15 seconds

Computer Programming:

Number of Question: 25
Time Duration: 35

For theoretical questions: 45 seconds

For output questions: 1 minute 30 seconds

Computer Science:

Number of Question: 26
Time Duration: 22

For each question: 50 seconds

visit: AMCATDETAILS to practice questions on AMCAT.

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